Kamis, 28 April 2011



Crime is not only shaped like theft and murder, but so many kinds. Make food with harmful substances is one of the crimes. In Indonesia, this kind of crime have been carried out by a number of people. Not only food, beverages also often sold using hazardous materials.
Departement of Health has taken samples of dozens of traders in traditional markets. The result is many use six additional material parameters namely borax, formalin, rodhamin, methanil yellow (textile dye), cyclamate (artificial sweetener), and bacterial food. Six additional parameters are banned hazardous food is used to mix the food because it will cause cancer in the long term and short-term toxicity.
Some examples of foods using food addictives dangerous of them, wet noodles, meatballs, brains, shahe, tofu yellow, henna china, and red chips. Not only food, beverages also sometimes given the additional hazardous material. Such textile dyes, alum, and many more other ingredients.
This should further be noted again by the government and get immediate treatment. Because this kind of crime cannot be underestimated. The longer allowed, will be more dangerous for our customers.

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