Gunadarma is a private university located in Area jabodetabek. Originally on 7 August 1981, Gunadarma is an institute named Computer Science Education Program (PPIK). 3 years ago kemudain renamed the School of Information Management and Computer (STMIK) Gunadarma. Six years later, on January 13, 1990, stood Gunadarma School of Economics (STIE Gunadarma). 1993, STMIK and open STIE Master of Information Systems Management with a concentration in STMIK and Master of Management for STIE. Furthermore, through S.K. Director General of Higher Education No.92/Kep/Dikti/1996 dated 3 April 1996, STMIK and STIE Gunadarma melt into GUNADARMA UNIVERSITY along with four new faculties, namely the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Letters. Gunadarma University Doctoral Program in Economics opened by permission Director General of Higher Education Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia No.. 55/DIKTI/2000 followed by the opening of the Doctoral Program in Information Technology by permission Director General of Higher Education Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia No.. 3716/P/T/2002. Gunadarma establishment process is long and through several phases. And now the university Gunadarma be university-based information and communication technology in Indonesia. And became one of the best universities in Indonesia.
I entered in Gunadarma University in 2010. I majored in management economics faculty. Class I workforce management for the department totaled 21. A lot of interest in the management department. When the division of classes at the beginning of the semester, I enrolled in a class 1EA19. Not unexpectedly, the students in the class numbered about 50 people. Many of my rivals in this class. But I remain optimistic to be one of the best students in the class. The campus not only has branches in Kalimalang alone. But there are located in Kalimas, Kemang Pratama, and next to Al-Azhar.
I just know that when I got in the J3 class schedules. At first I did not understand what the code J3. After asking the staff at the new campus explained that each code has a branch campus. For the campus was in Kalimalang called J1, which is located next to Al-Azhar called J2 campus, for which the campus is located in Kalimas called J3, and to which is in Kemang Pratama called J4 campus. Actually kind of a hassle if you have to move through the activities in the college campus. Because access to public transportation to get to campus some distance is very difficult. Especially if you get a morning class schedules, this is very inconvenient and tiring having to struggle to get up early and pursue public service vehicles in order not to late to go to college. Now you have added another new building in the area cakung named J5. The campus is much more difficult to access vehicles generally. Because the location is very strategic and not suitable to be built where the lecture, to the left of the campus are fishing, while his right landfills, and the front of the campus is a toll road.
Parties should make building a university campus that is located strategically, vehicle access is generally easy, and not too far away from campus in Kalimalang. With so many students studying at the university campus should add facilities that make students comfortable and at home to study on campus. As one of the best private university in Indonesia this campus must provide the latest innovations so as not to compete with other private universities. The best rating should always be maintained. If it can be improved for the betterment of the university. Did not feel I had already entered the final semester. No longer will leave this campus that has given me a lot of knowledge. Four years I have spent time on this campus. Many memories that may not be forgotten for me. Starting from the bad memories to the good memories.
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